Basis of the Blog

This blog is an extension of Candid Captures. The intent, depending on the day, may be one of several different things. There will likely be entries directly related to a specific event that I was hired for, yet, there may be many entries just related to my personal photography or the equipment I use.

Hopefully there may be something here of interest to you and will peak your interest to check back every once in a while.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

2011-HP Hood Cook-Off

Well, despite best intentions, this blog has been incredibly neglected. Not due to lack of coming up with content, after all, it's about photography, and I take a camera everywhere I go. So, i've decided to re-commit to writing my thoughts down again with the hope that it is at least a bit more regular.

Right now I'm flying high, probably about 35,000 ft on a return trip from Boston. In the last couple months, this has been a routine and much of it has been due to the fact that there have been special events for me to shoot in New England. One of the more recent, was the 3rd Annual HP Hood Cook-Off that was held in Portland, ME.

This event is probably one of the most enjoyable for me. Why wouldn't it be? Portland is a beautiful city, especially in the fall and the theme of the event is food. Yet another great topic.

In addition to the event itself, there is never a shortage of overall good fun with those who both host and attend this event. Both before and after, we had a chance to check out so of the locale establishments, courtesy of the natives. :)

If you would like to check more pictures taken at this event feel free to Click Here.
